On most evenings there are large stacks of newspapers and men handing them out to all passerby (who want them) outside the tube. I picked one up last night and realized that the Oscars happened. Between the paper and a blog I follow (I'm not dedicated enough to do more research than that), I'll give y'all my take on the awards. Enjoy, and try not to judge my less than perfect fashion opinions.
What lovely overpriced outfits!
Muted colors seem to be a thing this time around.
But Reese rocked that blue. Love it.
Kristen Stewart continued in her "I'm a bored zombie" look.
Jennifer Lawrence rocked on the left, but Zooey looks a little too much like a ten year old dressed as Wendy for Halloween for my taste.
(Disclaimer: I love Zooey and typically wish I could dress like her.)
Of course, something awkward had to happen to Jennifer Lawrence.
So she fell, and because she's hilarious she totally pulled it off.
And now I'm bored of talking about the Oscars so let's move on.
Monday night we enjoyed a Jack the Ripper tour. Our tutor (american: professor) for British Life and Culture (essentially British history) class used to be in the police force here in London and wrote a book on the topic, so the tour was especially informative. I'll spare y'all the gory details and y'all can google it if you like.
Last night we went to see Great Expectations. There were a lot of good things and a lot of bad things about it. I have only started the book (and will resume and potentially finish it this summer), but those who love this work by Dickens called the ending atrocious. The end was moderately befuddled and completed with an air of incompleteness. The actors, however did fabulously and the execution of scene changes without any variety of a change in the backdrop proved impressive.
Tonight we got all fancy and went to the opera! We saw Carmen, and it was exceptional. The theatre was huge, like the American Airlines edition of theatre (but totally not that big, let's be real here). The actors all did very well, and although a majority of the words couldn't be understood, the singing impressed me thoroughly.
Emma and I finally took a non-blurry picture together too!
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